Apparently everyone on sunday goes to the park by the river, gets a blanket and takes their matte and they sit their and they drink their matte and they conversate and have a good old time, everybody does it, there were people everywhere simply relaxing in a park, a novel concept for a stressed american but I think its a brilliant idea. "It´s sunday, now every single person in the city go to the park, sit their and drink matte and dont worry about shit". genius. Matte by the way isa tea-like drink that is kind of more bitter than tea. You put a bunch of yerba in a little wooden cup or gourd and you get a bombilla, a mettal straw, you put the bombilla in the cup full of yerba and hot water and drink it and pass it around, and dont move the bombilla and dont say thank you until you´re done. I got one now

This was surprisingly entertaining, he had a monkey marianette, and a little guy with a cane marianette and the monkey played piano and the little guy with a cane walked on the tight rope.
Argentinians pop wheelies too.
They have a feria every sunday and tons and tons of people set up booths or kiosks or whatever and sell their handmade stuff. They do it at different points along the river. It´s really pretty neat they do it every sunday apparently, and they keep it open after dark, everybody just sets up a little light bulb.

This was surprisingly entertaining, he had a monkey marianette, and a little guy with a cane marianette and the monkey played piano and the little guy with a cane walked on the tight rope.

Argentinians pop wheelies too.

They guy on the far left is the churro guy, he is all over the place, he has a little trumpet horn thing that you hear sporadically all day long, if you´re looking for a churro, it´s like a little sugar doughnut thing, all you have to do is wait a fewminutes whereever you are and listen for the horn.
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