Hello, so monday was the dia de la bandera (Flag Day) and here in Rosario people love flag day. The celebrations for it were tuesday night and today was the big day when the president came and spoke. Rosario is the home of el monumento de la bandera, it´s a huge obelisk on one end and the other end is a structure of columns which you can see in the back of the first picture and the entire monument is shaped like a huge ship withthe column structure in the back and the obelisk in the front and in between is room for hundreds and hundreds of people to sit or stand or sell superpanchos(dangerously foreign hotdogs) or for dogs to sleep. If you look in the front row of the people picture there is white jacket lady and she is drinking matte. This flag day was especially flaggy because it was the 50th anniversary of the monument. I cant compare it to any other flag days here but I give it 9 out of 10 flags, certainly the best flag celebration I have attended and may ever attend. In the first picture with me in it is the largest flag in the world. Im not sure exactly how large it is but I would say it extends through at least 10 blocks probably more. Last night, Tuesday, they had a celebratory thing where they honored some Rosarinos, then the lit up the monument with some blue lights that made it look like the argentine flag and then an opera singer sang some songs, then they shot lots of confetti in the air, confetti that was surprisingly had the same colors as the flag. Also at the beginning of that night, last night me and two others played hacky sack, hehe, argentina apparently doenst have hacky sacks so we always make friends w

This is the friend we made with the hacky sack that night, we was trying to sell people stickers, I cant remember his name, he introduced himself to he others and I thought I heard Eduardo so he got to me shook my hand and I said "Me llamo Jordan" and I said "te llamas Eduardo?" and then he said something like "no, wawa" which is just what I heard i have no idea what he said so I said "oh wawa" just basically trying to mimic the sounds so it would sound close to what he said and apparently it was close enough cause he didnt correct me. Wawa was a pretty outgoing guy in the picture where he has his arms out he is holding the hacky sack and making a donald duck sound, ya know, like Donalds voice. The other picture is of Jennifer and the hacky sack and the monument. and the other picture is of the biggest flag in the world and the momument and that was from todays festivities.
Todays festivities included the huge flag, a military parade and the president came to speak, apparently people really like this president a lot, at one point after his speech he crossed over the barrier fence thing and mingled amongst the people, people crowded around him semi frantically kind of

2 comentarios:
wow, it looks like you are having such an amazing time! i'm glad it's turning out to be worth all the stress you went through. :) love the pic of you and the flag.
Jordan, I am glad you are spreading the joy of hacky-sack. I am so glad you are having a good time. Remind me when you come back to tell to you about this Columbian artist whose work revolves around the disappeared that is absolutely amazing
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