Ive got a bunch of pictures, when I do this many things seem to get jumbled up, lets see what happens... The first picture is of Coca, a dog at the apartment where I live, she is a pain in the ass, negro is eating in the background, Negro is laidback. The next dogs are strays, there are strays all over the place here and the wierd thing is that none of them look malnourished, some are even fat, and they just lay wherever they want, which is everywhere, they sleep in the middle of the sidewalks, they sleep everywhere, it´s just something Ive never seen, healthy stray dogs who sleep in the middle of sidewalks, Most stray daogs Ive seen before arent asleep, maybe I havent seen many stray dogs but one would think that stray dogs would be busy trying to find some food, because they dont have any. This is a mystery to me, one day a group of 5 of us were walking around and a dog accompanied us for about 13-15 blocks, just as a buddy, he wasnt trying to bother us he was just tagging along, hanging out, a new friend, we even tried to give him a croisant and he didn want it. He would even bark at the crosswalks when we would stop, Im not sure i he was telling us to go, to be careful or barking at the cars going by, but he was a great dog.

This is a photo of the town where we stayed on our weekend trip to the Cordoba area. This is Villa Carlos Paz. A much smaller town than Rosario, it´s a vacation town for a lot of Argentinans, most tourists dont come here because the tourists want to go directly to the andes, this town is in the foothills of the andes. We stayed at Hotel Santa Cecilia, a pretty nice place, they had an indoor pool, a sauna, a ping pong table and even a little futbol (soccer) field on the roof of the pool area to the left in the picture, we played a game of two on two, I suck but I try.

This is some church in Cordoba, I dont know the name, maybe Im not attentive enough but Im pretty sure that when the day comes where I add up the total of my life I wont regret not knowing the name of this church. If you look at the ground in front of the church is a mirror outline crafted into the pavement of the front of the church, kinda neat. The next picture is of part of the inside

In order to get to one of the stops during our trip`, we had to drive ona dirt road for about an hour. The bus driver was fearless, it was like being in a Buenos Aires taxi again, except he was driving a bus and instead had 29 lives in his hands, I am still trying to figure out whether I think Argentinians are the best drivers I have seen or the worst, the way I can sum it up is, fast-paced controlled recklessness, whether on dirt roads in a bus or crowded city streets it´s an exciting experience. We spent a lot of time on the bus this weekend, I felt a little bit like the typical tourist, like anyone around was thinking oh god here come the americans. It was fun though, we stayed in Villa Carlos Paz, and visited Belgrano, Cordoba, and la Cumbrecita which is german influenced thats where the picture below of the waterfall came from. We took a hike in the hills to the waterfall which was very nice after breathing in Rosarios exhaust for the last couple weeks, and I ate a Knackwurst.
The people in this country dont stop. The time schedule is different here, let me explain some things here. The time schedule for the argentinian lifestyle is much different than the US´s. On Friday and Saturday nights the clubs (boliches) dont open until 1 or 2am and people stay out until 6 or 8am dancing and partying, they also normally dont eat dinner until 11pm each night. These are just things that one should bear in mind. I myself have not subjec

ted myself to an Argentinian night or boliches yet but I think this weekend I will give it a shot so that I can understand. The different schedule canbe a bit confusing to the body at times.
Another thing to think about is that Argentina doesnt have peanut butter. But they make up for that with dulce de leche and amazing ice cream, and dulce de leche ice cream.
Below are some friends in the study abroad group, me on the right in the picture of the three guys. This wednesday is the Dia de la bandera which means flag day basically and the president of Argentina is coming to talk in Rosario and everyone will be out in the streets, they will carrying through the streets the largest flag in the world and it should be ineresting, Im also going to go to another tango lesson this friday and I am going to post pictures of both of those things so yea, there ya go. I know a basic tango step now I am going to try and improve on that beore I leave, Today is the 18th and I will be leaving on the 30th.